Dated 'the yeire of god Jas. vi and threttie yeires', [1596/97?], being a grant of two mills from John, Earl of Lauderdale, Viscount Maitland, Lord Thirlstane and Bolton [d. 1645], who was their hereditary proprietor, to James Robertson, described as indweller in Brunstonne [?Brownstone] Mill, several 'takismen' [tacksmen] are recorded as having an interest in a third part each, on behalf of Richard Maitland for one third, Walter Bronne [Brown?] and John Wernor [Warner?], 'bailyies', and Henri Calderwood, 'thesaurar', of Musselburgh for another third, and Thomas Smyth and the aforesaid James Robertson for the remaining third, the mills being 'auld mill of Gilbertonne also callit Brunstonne mill', formerly let to Sir James Richardson of 'Smetonne'; and 'our new mill of Gilbertonne' lately built beneath the old mill 'besid the Magdalen brig', the sums payable to be 400 and 200 marks respectively, signed by 'Lauderdaill' and witnessed by Christopher Cokburne and Allan Cathcart.
This is a interesting Scotland document that is for sale on Ebay. The Item number is : 230211416793 if you want to take a closer look. It has some great genealogy potential.