Monday, February 04, 2008

1810 Franklin County

“Franklin County to wit
Joel Walker plaintiff complains of William Smith & Dennis Pullman defendants in custody of a plea of debt, that they render unto him the just sum of fifty-five dollars which to him they owe and from him unjustly detain for that the said defendants did on the first day of January 1810 at the parish of in the County aforesaid, by this certain writing obligatory sealed with their seals the date whereof is the same day and year aforesaid, and now by the plaintiff to this court there shown, promised to pay the aforesaid Joel Walker, the just sum of fifty-five dollars in twelve months after date of said writing and the plaintiff in fact doth own that the said defendants the said sum of fifty-five dollars in twelve months after date of said writing obligatory to the same plaintiff did not pay which they ought to have done according to the form & effect thereof, but the same to pay hath hitherto agreed and (?) doth affirm to the damage of said plaintiff ten dollars wherefore he sues (?). DS”

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