Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Concord, New Hampshire 1848

October 1848. Concord, New Hampshire.

A document concerning a bridge: “The undersigned has examined Mr. Henry R. Campbell’s bill for constructing Connecticut River Bridge, and believes the following deductions should be made from it for the reasons herein assigned considering the terms, conditions and execution of the work. The original estimate for abutments was 3000 perches. Mr. Campbell greatly increased the thickness and depth of the abutments. He claims 5648 perches: the additional amount of 2648 perches was mostly common rubble masonry placed under ground and worth not exceeding $3.75 per perch, making a difference of $5,958.00. It was originally designed to have three pieces estimated to contain 1600 perches, to be eight feet thick …and the inside stone to break horizontal joints instead of which but two piers were built…The piers as constructed contained but little more than 2/3 the amount of face work that was originally designed, and more than one third more of backing stone or rubble work…The contractor was to prepare the foundation in complete order for the masonry for $3,000.00 therefore the extra charge of $784.80 for timber foundations should be deducted…The timber used in the superstructure was according to the original design, except that 36 additional braces not required for strength were put in contrary to directions. The whole amount of iron used in the superstructure is believed to be less than the original design…None of the masonry work was done in so thorough a manner as was called for by the specifications – a considerable amount should be deducted from the contract price…”.

This interesting Concord, New Hampshire document is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 280362920516.

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