There is a reference in the Petition to 1798 so it was probably written about that time.
The document appears to have been written by Peter Allaire.
It is three different items;
ONE - occupying 1 1/2 pages is his petition, dated February 2, 1790, to the New York legislature asking it to recognize his Champlain holdings
TWO - another petition, dated February 9, 1790, to several Land Commissioners relative to another petition by Samuel Mott and others claiming the same land as Allaire
THREE - the decision, dated February 20, 1790, of the Land Commissioners recommending to the Assembly that the Mott petition not be granted.
The document reads, in part
"The Humble Petition of Peter Allaire Sheweth, that your Petitioner being in England in the year 1770 to 1780 did during that time purchase of the Right Honorable Sir George Yonge, Bart., in 1773, one half of a certain Tract of Land Situated in the North part of Lake Champlain adjoining the Canada line, for Two hundred pounds Sterling, the above tract of land was by Order of his Excellency Sir Harry Moore Captain General & Governor in Chief in and Over the Province of New York...did Order by Warrant bearing date of 13 July 1769 to Alexander Colden Esqr., Surveyor Survey and lay out for the said Sir George Yonge the Above Tract of Land in Lake Champlain....
Your Petitioner on his Return to America in 1783 as soon as land commissioners; were appointed did Apply...for said Tract of; Land on behalf of the said Sir George onge & himself...the Commissioners refused granting, as Sir Geo was a British Subject and an Alien...that Sir George Yonge being an Alien could not hold Land in America without taking the Oath of Allegiance.
Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays the Honorable the Legislature of New York to grant him those lands he had purchased of Sir George Yonge having taken possession & putting on Several inhabitants before the Revolution, for further particulars he begs leave to Refer the Honorable house to Aaron Burr, Esq...."