Blank on verso but for docket and notation regarding it being recorded a few months later, and signed by the Town Clerk.
The document itself is signed by Henry Olney and his wife Phoebe, and witnessed by Stephen Hopkins, and George Tillinghast.
This is an agreement betweeen "Henry Olney of Providence...Mariner...and Zachariah Allen...Merchant..." for a certain "Triangular piece of Land situated in the northerly part of said Providence on the Plain (so called) containing three acres and three quarters of an acre and nineteen Rods, bounded northerly and southerly on Highways... and Westerly on a Lot of Land belonging to Ann Rodman & Elizabeth Olney...."
And a few more lines, with a quit-claim handwritten note at the bottom of the document, "And Phebe Olney, Wife of the said Henry, for the same Consideration above expressed do hereby...release and forever quit-claim unto the said Zachariah Allen...."