Monday, July 25, 2005

1797 Union NY Deed of Land to Benjamin Winchel Revolutionary Soldier

Land deed reads in part:

Know all men by their presents, that I, Benjamin Winchel of the Town of Union, County of Tioga, State of New York, Gentlemen, for and in consideration of forty pounds lawful money of the state of New York... have sold unto Charle Hyde of the first regiment in the Army of the United States, Gentelmen, all and every piece, parcel, trust or grant of land that hath been, shall or will be given, granted or lein out to and for Tador Palmer, bounty for services as a soldier during the American War with Great Britain.

And I do by then preesent, give, grant, bargain, and release all of my rights and tittle to aforesaid land...

Signed Charles Hyde, Josiah L. Paterson, Benjamin Winchell and Harriot Hyde. Reverse signed by Robert Yale.

100 acres Range 18, Township 4, Section 2, Choice 33

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